
Showing posts from September, 2021

Decision Making

Decision Making is affected by our attitude, as mentioned in a few earlier posts.  Here, I will attempt to explain my thinking process in terms of decision making, which has served me well so far. What is a good attitude then?  Basically, our attitude reflects the way we think .  A good/positive attitude is when we believe in something or someone, and we do our best to make sure the outcome is good/desirable, usually in a win-win manner.  A negative attitude is when our prejudice, biasness, laziness, dislike or perception for something or someone affects our effectiveness/enthusiasm, hence the choice of our actions, which often result in a less-than-desired outcome.  Sometimes, there is no right or wrong, because there are many other people making decisions at the same time too.  Whether our decision made is a good one, depends on the combined effect of these other decisions and hence the final outcome.  For example, we do the right thing by waiting fo...