
Showing posts from December, 2021

Customer Experience

In one of Warren Buffet's speech on how to have a successful business, he urged his audience to make a friend out of every customer. Some of his pointers: 1.  Don't worry about things we cannot control or change, but one thing we could change is customer experience.  We want the customer to think of our company the moment they need a product in that area.  For example, if you want to have fried chicken, who do you think of? 2.  In order to provide good customer experience, we need to first give our employees good experience. If I am good, having just one of me is not enough for the company to succeed.  We need to learn to multiply ourselves.  Meaning, impart essential skills and values to the employees, ensuring they are happy working for us, and that they think like us. 3.  Surround oneself with people better than us.  This way, we learn good practices, and we get challenged to do better. 4.  Ask ourselves, what speciality can we bring to th...


One of my former Principals called me a "practical" person, in a good way.  She was telling the rest that to be effective, it is not about doing a lot of things, but doing the right things.  For me, I guess it is more about using logic to help in my decision making. I am not very certain how a practical person is being defined, because it is not likely for a person to be 100% practical. A good match, in my opinion, would be being practical but yet flexible enough to know how to make good decisions fast. The following points are put together after analysing my thinking and choice of actions.  Other practical persons may do things slightly differently. 1.  Sticking to the objective.  When I make decisions, it is heavily dependent on how likely it will achieve the objective of the task.  Many people, when they start brainstorming, may come up with ideas that stray further away from the objective. And in meetings, I am usually the one who voice this out and bri...