
At the 2007 Miss Universe Pageant, Miss Japan was asked "What was one thing that you learned from young which you will hang on forever?" In brief, her answer was "To be happy".  She won the title in the end, not likely just due to this answer, but likely due to the way she portrayed herself throughout the competition, through her belief.

Happiness is something that is not easy to achieve in this competitive society.  Distractions, frustrations and stress often creep into our lives, taking happiness away.

I was at a mall one day.  There was a long car queue coming into the mall.  Someone started horning, and many others horned back.  It was an ugly scene.  If only those who sounded the horn realised that they were part of the reason causing the jam.

At the food court in the mall, one guy queuing for food was scolding his wife loudly (or girlfriend) because the queue was long.  For me, I just went over to another stall with a short queue.

There are things within our control and things beyond our control.  What we can control, we choose the path that makes us happier (or less unhappy).  What we cannot control, leave it.  Because it does not help by getting unhappy over it.  Some people would say "well, no choice...".  It all depends on what we tell ourselves.

Whatever choices we make, understand the possible outcomes and prepare for the worst.  If the worst does happens, tell ourselves we are aware and we accept it.  Learn from it and move on. Many people get unhappy because they chose a certain path but cannot accept the lousy outcome.  

If the "worst-case-scenario" is something we cannot accept but that path is necessary, then we need to weigh the risks and then make a decision based on that.

This may seem easier said than done.  Understanding the concept of "not regretting the choice we make" is essential in keeping one happy.  Hence, making important decisions cannot be done in a hasty manner.


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