Corrective Measures


When our children or subordinates do something wrong, before we mete out any consequences, it is useful to understand the type of error(s) made, so that we can decide on the most appropriate remedial/corrective measure.  Otherwise, the 'punishment' may be counter productive.

Human Error Type


Corrective measure


Intention was correct, but appropriate action was carried out incorrectly



Intention was correct, but appropriate action was missed out

Provide Check Lists, Practices, Training


Knows the rules but did not follow them 

Reminder, Training, Counselling


Knows the rules but went against them on purpose   

Discipline Action

The whole idea of meting out corrective measures is for the person to improve, so that the organisation/family benefits.  It should not be about making that person suffer or making ourselves happy.

Advice to parents : Do not start shouting every moment that our children did something wrong.  We should:

  • Talk to them, find out what happened;
  • Discuss with them the severity of the possible consequences for the bad actions/behaviour, if applicable;
  • Explain rationale and discuss appropriate corrective measure. It is important that a child understands why he is being 'punished', instead of just being punished amidst all the shouting. 


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