Knee Health

About half of Singapore's elderly experience knee-related problems, but there is a rising trend that the younger ones are effected by this too, as lifestyles become more active.

Common knee problems:

  • Osteoarthritis : the most common knee problem in the elderly, generally due to wear and tear of the knee joint.  The main causes include insufficient intake of Calcium, overweight (which bears more load on the knee joints), over active lifestyle.
  • Rheumatism 
  • Gout
  • Due to past injuries
In many cases, surgery like Total Knee Replacement (TKR) may be the best option.  This involves removing the knee joint and replacing it with a metal joint and plastic liner.  The success rate of this operation is very high.  However, this artificial joint lasts for between 10 and 15 years.  Hence, patients younger than 70 years old or so are not advised to perform this operation, as the current Life Expectancy of Singaporeans is 83 years.  Otherwise, the person may need a second knee replacement when he is 80.

Because knee problem is very common in the elderly, the Singapore government gives a big subsidy for TKR.  The Medishield Life will take care of another portion of the hospital fees.  The remaining amounts, which likely will be a palatable sum, can be paid by Medisave and cash.

Glucosamine is one product that helps reduce joint inflammation and pain in some people with joint problems. It is like adding lubricant to the joint. This supplement is usually meant for the elderly, as our body produces sufficient glucosamine naturally when we are young.

It is also recommended that we have a sufficient intake of Calcium from young.  Sources of Calcium include Milk/Cheese, Eggs, Broccoli, Spinach, Soy Bean Milk, Salmon.

Regular exercises are good. Just don't overdo it.


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