Teacher Opens the Door

There is a Chinese saying, “The Teacher opens the door, but We need to enter it by ourselves."

Basically it means, no matter how good a Master is, it is up to the Disciple to improve himself.  To be good at what we do, for our efforts to be recognised, we need the following:

- Good attitude : Always look at the glass half full, never give up, always wanting to learn more, and making the right decisions;

- Hard work : Practice makes perfect, do not let laziness overcome us, persevere; 

- Learning smart : It is ok to make mistakes, but never make the same mistake more than once.  Learn fast.  This includes looking at mistakes others make, and ensuring we don't make those mistakes too;

- Have good plans : Use an organiser to remember 'things to do'.  Do not allow the words "I forgot" to take over our life.  Plan and think before action;

- Help from others : Be collegial, work as a team.  Make use of the strength of the individual in the team. Work with the boss. He/she will be a great source of help. 


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