Honey is a Miracle Drink

Honey is a miracle drink.  Like I mentioned in one of my previous posts, honey has kept my mouth ulcers at bay.

  • is high in anti-oxidant, which helps reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and some kinds of cancer;
  • is said to raise good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol;
  • has anti-bacteria and anti-inflammatory effects, probably the reason why it is good for healing ulcer and keeping ulcers away;
  • may help in easing some forms of coughs.

Two ways I take honey:

  • Dilute one part honey with eight parts water.  You may adjust the amount of water to suit your sweetness preference. Stir well and drink.
  • Drizzle undiluted honey into salad.


  • Honey is sugar though, and we should take it in moderation.  I recommend drinking diluted honey once or twice a week.  
  • There is no need to go for high-power honey (Eg Manuka), unless we are desperately in need for some form of healing. 
  • I like to buy those that comes in squeeze bottles as they are not messy after use, compared to those in normal bottles.
  • In general, pure honey is dark in colour.  Those that are light in colour may be diluted in the production process.  I usually buy those that are close to the colour of Teakwood.


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