Reducing Forgetfulness

Some people tend to forget to do things rather frequently. Forgetting tasks may disadvantage ourselves, inconvenient others or displease our bosses.

Of course, there are ways to help improve our memories, but a successful person does not depend solely on his memory. Here are some simple tools/ways to ensure we do not forget any tasks.

1. Notebook 

I keep a small notebook (A5 size).  Every time a task is given to me at work, it is jotted down and form part of my to-do list.  After completing each task, I check it off and this is usually followed by a sense of satisfaction.  If I need to make notes in the process of completing any task, the notebook is there. Important decisions, rationales, some meeting notes are also recorded in the notebook during the meeting itself.

When all the tasks on one page has been completed, I will draw a line across the page, so that I won't need to look through that page again for uncompleted tasks. 

I also use the notebook to list other tasks like, different items that I am awaiting for home delivery, the need to buy a new bedsheet the next time I visit a mall, arrange to meet my dad for lunch, etc.

Don't see it as extra work.  It takes no time to jot down a few words, but the benefits outweigh everything.

2. Calendar Diary 

I also have a diary, A5 size (see picture at the bottom of this post), where I record scheduled meetings, appointments, outings, and mark important dates, so that nothing is missed.

3. Post-it Notes

I use small post-it-notes for grocery shopping.  The post-its are pasted on the inside cover of my notebook.  As and when I think of something to buy, or when my mum gives the order, I would record it. The next time I am at the mall, I know exactly what I need to buy.

I see the notebook, diary, and post-it notes as one method, not three separate ones.

4. Spreadsheets

I use spreadsheets to record things that I do repeatedly, like items to pack for trips, important dates, budgeting, passwords and such. 

Like the items to pack for a trip, we just need to record it the first time, and fine tune before the next few trips, and we don't need to recall from scratch what to bring for future trips.

5. Get organised 

Having a neat and organised work/home environment helps.  Things will get missed in a cluttered space.

I try my very best to leave "Sorry I forgot" out of my phrase book.

P/S:  Some ways to improve memory:

  • Have enough rest and sleep;
  • Have a healthy diet;
  • Exercise, to allow better blood circulation;
  • Be alert/observant about happenings around us;
  • Go for memory training;
  • Some say take ginkgo biloba supplements.


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