People say, one's character can be told from his signatures.
If our signature looks like two circles or like a 3-year old starting to write, then we should sit down and start designing a proper signature, one where people will think "Wow, what a nice signature!"
My advise is to have three fixed signatures.
1. Full Version
We use this for matters like signing official documents where the law is involved (banks-related, wills, contracts, etc). Make sure this signature is something not easy to forge by others.
2. Simplified Version
This is simplified from the full version, and may still look like part of the full version. It is for quick endorsement for not-so-important documents, like signing on documents at work, on a SPA package receipt, etc.
Generally, we have this simplified version for quicker signing on non-law abiding documents, and also for not letting strangers know our full signature, where the situation permits.
3. The Scribble Version
This is for use at not-significant situations, like signing on a restaurant slip (not the credit card slip), on the acknowledgement slip at the money changer, or on a street survey paper, etc, where what you sign doesn't matter.
It is good to have a signature that others can recognise is yours. For example, our boss sent out a reading material and asked each of us to initial (literally means write down the first letters of our name) after reading and pass to the next person. But we could not figure out who are those who have read it because the initials were all heaps of circles. Let's make our job and other people's job easier by having a good and clear set of signatures.
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