Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

Self-fulfilling prophecy has a very powerful psychological effect on us. 

Eg:  If I believe I am stupid, I predict I will not do well in the future. 
I therefore don't have the motivation to study hard, because I think that it makes no difference.
Because I never study hard, I don't do well in my exams.
And because I don't have a good certificates, I struggle in life.
So, my believe and my prediction came true!
This is self-fulfilling prophecy.

On the other hand, if I believe something will work, I will find all means to get it done.  
In the end, it gets done.
To cut the long story short, 
Stay close to people who are positive.  Avoid listening to people who are negative.
The more negative things we listen, the more negative we become in our attitude and thinking.  This is bad for us.
That is why the rich-poor gap becomes wider and wider. 
The rich believes they can, they seek possibilities and keep trying. 
The poor feels that many things are difficult, they seek excuses and give up easily.
(my "rich" and "poor" refers to attitudes in general, and good attitudes can lead to good money)

Thank you, ZR, for allowing me to use this picture.


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